Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Philippian 4: 1-8

Chapter 4 is the concluding chapter in Philippians and as I studied it I was amazed at what I saw even though I have studied it and taught it many times. I pray it will be helpful to you.
Read Philippians 4: 1-8
Paul encourages the philippians to stand firm in their faith, be united as a group, behave like Jesus had changed their life and to be at peace because God ruled in their hearts. As Christians we are admonished to do the same.
Standing firm means that even if everything is falling down around you and you are in the middle of great difficulties you stand in the faith that you have cultivated with a personal relationship in Jesus Christ.
Read a couple of Paul's other exhortation:
I Corinthians 16:13
I Thessalonians 5: 12-24
The division that personal conflict bring is always a hinderance to progress and relationships and Paul specifically calls two women by name and encourages them to be united. They had helped him and worked with him and I believe Paul was saying that their conflict had the potential to be like a cancer right in the middle of the church at Philippi.
Instead of fighting Paul says to be gentle, instead of anxious he says to pray about everything.
As I studied this I was struck by something our guest speaker, Jodie Chetwood, said last week and it was about the significance of worship. She was telling us about how the Lord had taught her about worship and that it was more than just picking out songs to tack on to a service. It was a relationship and fellowship with the living God.
Chapter 4 speaks of 4 fruits of the Spirit which are listed in Galatians 5: 16-26. They are love, gentleness, joy and peace. Here is the fact: YOU CAN NOT DEMONSTRATE THESE QUALITIES IN THE FULLEST SENSE WITHOUT THE SPIRIT GIVING THEM POWER. It is in worship or falling on our face before the almighty God that we begin to experience the power that the Spirit of God living in us has to offer. When we develope this inward relationship with God by spending time with him our outward actions change and have a power that we could never cultivate on our own. In other words if I say to my twelve year old daughter be gentle she can to that to the best of her understanding but as an adult and one that has known Jesus for many years I know that there are many difficult circumstances that some one can not just say to me be gentle. I don't want to be. As I take the circumstance to the Lord in prayer He can enable me to be gentle to the most difficult person but it has a power and boldness that would not be humanly possible. Worship is key to changing our actions and attitudes.
Read on worship:
Psalm 5:10
Psalm 84: 1-8
Another byproduct of worship is it relieves hindering anxiety and the peace of God will rule in your life.
This week worship the living God!
Also, read through Philippians and write down your favorite verses.
Have a blessed week.


Blogger Joy said...

as i was doing this Bible study, i parked on the word "gentle" for bit. (okay just remember i'm a nerd at heart). so i was looking up the greek and what that word meant...i was reminded "blessed are the gentle"...I mean Paul says, "stand firm," and then says in the next breath, "let your gentle spirit be known." gosh, oxymoron (to me). so when i was looking up "gentle" one definition appeared a few times = "sweet reasonableness." it also says a gentle person is not spineless, but selfless. yeilding. not clinging to your rights even though you might be right. yikes. Reading this just reinforced what you (Glenda) so strongly stressed: this requires something, Someone, outside of ourself--the Spirit. And how are we filled to fullest with the Spirit: by worship. amen. Piper says, "Missions exist because worship doesn't." Thank you Glenda...the Lord is stirring up so much in me from this study!!!

November 8, 2007 at 6:49 PM  

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