Today was the first study on Philippians and I was encouraged to blog my notes. I thought about it and maybe it would encourage someone out there so here goes.
The study of scripture is important because God's Word is the only place we can turn to find absolute facts about who He is and about His Son Jesus Christ. It seems today that there are all kinds of imitations of scripture and studies about God but alot of people never even turn to the source, the Bible to see what it says. So naturally our book of study will be the Bible. It is inexhaustible and living and I have experienced that it provides direction in ways that we can find no where else.
Read Philippians 1:1-11
You have to understand where Paul was when he wrote Philippians. He was in prison and his life hung in the balance. Chapter 1 verse 20 says he did not know if he would live or die. I don't know about you but I don't think I would do what Paul did and sit down and write a thank you letter. I would probably be in the corner in the fetal position. But Paul was so encouraged and strengthened by what the Philippian church had been to and done for him that he wanted to write them to thank them.
The main theme of Philippians is Joy. Paul writes the word joy or rejoice 16 times. That word has changed my life. Joy from the greek means calm delight. I can be freed from feeling that I have to be bubbling over with enthusiasm all the time but I can rest in the fact that there is calm delight in a relationship with Jesus. When life gets tough and I just can not see how things are going to work out I can have the calm delight of knowing that God has it under control and He has a perfect plan for my life. Praise Him! Paul encourages the Philippians to have joy in all circumstances.
Joy is mentioned 16 times, mind 10 times, think 5 times and remember 1 time. It was amazing to me as I looked at those words I was impressed by this statement. The secret to real joy is to set your mind on, think about , remember who God is and what He has brought you through.
The song that says think about His love, think about His goodness, think about all the ways He brought you through came to mind.
What is going to enable you not to be in great turmoil in the middle of a great storm?
Take a minute and write down about the way God has brought you through a difficult circumstance. Share it with a friend. Next time the next difficulty comes up remember what you wrote on that paper and know that He will also get you through this difficulty. It is actually faith building and encouraging.
Also, Paul remembers about the Philippians that they loved him and it brought strength and peace to his heart, he remembers that they have stuck with him from the beginning, remembers that they prayed for him and that they supported him financially.
What do people remember about us and does it bring them joy and strength? I think as we go through Philippians we will see that what we remember about how God strengthens us and we have a responsibility to strengthen one another.
Until next week, may you be filled with His joy!
The study of scripture is important because God's Word is the only place we can turn to find absolute facts about who He is and about His Son Jesus Christ. It seems today that there are all kinds of imitations of scripture and studies about God but alot of people never even turn to the source, the Bible to see what it says. So naturally our book of study will be the Bible. It is inexhaustible and living and I have experienced that it provides direction in ways that we can find no where else.
Read Philippians 1:1-11
You have to understand where Paul was when he wrote Philippians. He was in prison and his life hung in the balance. Chapter 1 verse 20 says he did not know if he would live or die. I don't know about you but I don't think I would do what Paul did and sit down and write a thank you letter. I would probably be in the corner in the fetal position. But Paul was so encouraged and strengthened by what the Philippian church had been to and done for him that he wanted to write them to thank them.
The main theme of Philippians is Joy. Paul writes the word joy or rejoice 16 times. That word has changed my life. Joy from the greek means calm delight. I can be freed from feeling that I have to be bubbling over with enthusiasm all the time but I can rest in the fact that there is calm delight in a relationship with Jesus. When life gets tough and I just can not see how things are going to work out I can have the calm delight of knowing that God has it under control and He has a perfect plan for my life. Praise Him! Paul encourages the Philippians to have joy in all circumstances.
Joy is mentioned 16 times, mind 10 times, think 5 times and remember 1 time. It was amazing to me as I looked at those words I was impressed by this statement. The secret to real joy is to set your mind on, think about , remember who God is and what He has brought you through.
The song that says think about His love, think about His goodness, think about all the ways He brought you through came to mind.
What is going to enable you not to be in great turmoil in the middle of a great storm?
Take a minute and write down about the way God has brought you through a difficult circumstance. Share it with a friend. Next time the next difficulty comes up remember what you wrote on that paper and know that He will also get you through this difficulty. It is actually faith building and encouraging.
Also, Paul remembers about the Philippians that they loved him and it brought strength and peace to his heart, he remembers that they have stuck with him from the beginning, remembers that they prayed for him and that they supported him financially.
What do people remember about us and does it bring them joy and strength? I think as we go through Philippians we will see that what we remember about how God strengthens us and we have a responsibility to strengthen one another.
Until next week, may you be filled with His joy!