Philippians 1: 12-30
Last week we remembered ways that God has pulled us through a difficult circumstance(s) and how important it is to keep remembering that it is HIS strength that strengthens us and when others see that, it strengthens them also.
We also talked about the word joy meaning "calm delight" and when we are in a difficult situation , just as Paul was in prison, we have the peace or calm delight that God has everything under control.
Prison had to be a dark place for Paul. This week we don't see a man feeling sorry for himself but a man that is looking at his circumstance and saying there is benefit for other lives seeing me in prison.
I was directed by my pastor recently to this scripture: "Whatever I tell you in the darkness speak in the light and what you hear whispered in your ear proclaim upon the housetops." It is in the dark times in our life's that God can speak to us in the deepest ways. Our family has lost a son and brother in the past 19 months and I have to tell you we have known some dark days. However, God has spoken to my heart in very powerful ways. I will be speaking those things that I have learned in the darkness off the rooftops for the rest of my days on earth. What Paul learned in the darkness of prison made his faith take deep root in his heart and enabled Him to speak of the one that had changed his life, Jesus.
Paul spoke of the benefit of his personal circumstances and as I looked at it I narrowed it down to four P's: Perspective, Purpose, Proclamation, Prayer.
PERSPECTIVE is what Paul has when we see him say in Philippians 1:21, "for to me to live is Christ and to die is gain." This would be in contrast to 2:21 which speaks of people living for their own personal interest. Paul viewed his life as having benefit whether he was alive or dead. It gave him boldness and freedom that few of us have. Paul's perspective also helped him live a life of no fear.
The word "die "or "depart" from the greek means "as the anchor of a ship" or "to set up camp." Paul is saying I would rather set up camp in heaven where I can see the face of Jesus instead of seeing your face here on earth, but whatever God chooses for me, I will be content because He will be glorified. We know from this section of Philippians that he knew that God's desire for him was to stay here on this earth, in prison, in Rome.
Rick Warren, the author of The Purpose Driven Life, said in an interview that this life is preparation for heaven. He had decided that there were two tracks in life. A track of good and a track for bad and we all have both tracks in our life all the time. I think that is true.
Paul's perspective allowed him the freedom to see God's PURPOSE in his life. I mean there he was chained to a guard 24/7 and he saw God's purpose. Does that not strengthen you? It does me.
Paul says I am sure that my circumstances will serve for the greater advancement of the Gospel. Each guard he was chained to had to hear from this focused man about Jesus. He in turn went and told others. You see the praetorian guard was about 9000 members strong and it was an army. Paul says the whole praetorian guard heard about Jesus.
Paul's imprisonment had also given other Christians faith, confidence and courage to speak the Word without fear. He encouraged the Philippians to stand firm in their own faith. I believe that their observation of Paul in prison gave them a new confidence to go deep in their own faith and to tell others about Jesus.
Paul encouraged the Philippians to PROCLAIM the Gospel, the good news of Christ. Paul is clear that what he is suffering makes no difference, the important thing is that Christ is preached. In turn, more people began to have the courage to preach or proclaim Christ. He admonishes the Philippians not to get bogged down with evaluating their motives but be happy that Christ was being preached.
Our faith can not be quiet. Time is short and if we know the life changing power of Jesus we have to open our mouths and speak, proclaim Him.
Paul knew that the only way that he could get through his ordeal was the power that came from others' PRAYERs. Prayer is the only way that we can be consistently empowered with God's spirit. On earth, it is the power of the Holy Spirit that we need to proclaim His Word.
I can tell you that you need His Spirit to understand the Bible. If you approach the Bible as an academic exercise, it will probably seem boring and dark, but if you pray , " Lord speak to me as I read", He will speak to you and provide insight that you have never seen before.
Read Acts 4: 5-10, Acts 4:16 and Acts 4:31 as reference to the power of the Spirit of God.
Finally, Philippians 1:27 -30 tells us to stand firm, not to fear and to count your agony or suffering as joy. I looked up "stand firm," and it means "to stand side by side," "not to fear" and it means "not to be startled like horses" and "conflict" means "agony."
I leave you with this... Pray that each of us that believe in Jesus will stand side by side with Him, that we will not be startled as a horse, and that we will not be overcome by any agony we may encounter. Praise be His Name!
Until next week, God's blessings on you.
Where is it that you do not want to go?
If you went there, are there people that would hear about Jesus?
Is your life one that encourages others to go deeper in their faith?
Will you pray that God's spirit will dwell within you?