Philippians 2: 1-11
The beginning of chapter 2 has a significant little word, "therefore." Someone told me early in my pursuit of studying the Bible that if you see that word, you need to check out what it is THERE FOR. So, we have to do that. The way we do it is to look at the last two verses of chapter 1. "For to you it has been granted for Christ's sake, not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for His sake, experiencing the same conflict which you saw in me, and now hear to be in me."
Paul is saying you have wonderful benefit in your relationship with Christ because when you ask Him into your life, your life becomes new and you are forgiven of all the old, and His spirit abides in you but you will also share in His sufferings. Remember last week when we talked about there always being two tracks in this life, a track of good and a track of bad and we all have them all the time. That is kind of what Paul is saying. Christ suffered before He was resurrected and you will too. There is alot of teaching in the christian world today that speaks of prosperity and blessing and that nothing bad will happen in your life if you will just refuse to receive it. Well, from personal experience and from what Paul is saying, this is just not so. When my son Nathan died I could not just say, "I don't receive that." I had to receive it and everything that comes along with the deep sea of grief. Here is the kicker: there is purpose to my and your suffering.
Romans 5: 3-5 says, "And not only this, but we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance. and perseverance proven character, and proven character, hope. and hope does not disappoint because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us." So I don't spend any time on trying to figure out if my suffering came from God or Satan. I rest in the fact that God knows about it and He is going to stand beside me as I go through it and it will accomplish something that nothing else could in my life. Once I realize this fact, I then have a responsibility to use the things He has taught me to help others going through their own suffering.
Paul realizes that the Philippian church sees his suffering. In a day when Christians were persecuted, they may be suffering themselves. Instead of their suffering strengthening them, there was disunity. He is encouraging them to be united.
Philippians 2:1,2 "Therefore, if there is any encouragement in Christ, if there is any consolation of love, if there is any fellowship of the Spirit, if any affection and compassion, make my joy complete by being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose,"
We need to focus on what comes after the four 'ifs': encouragement, consolation, fellowship, affection and compassion.
1. Encouragement in Christ
The root of the word "encouragement" is "courage." Paul has already said, "be bold" and "have no fear." The way we are going to do that is to have courage in Christ. Courage enables us to do what God wants us to do. Fear many times brings disunity because we don't feel secure. One of the things that gives us courage is that as believers in Jesus we have the Holy Spirit living inside of us, lets look at what the Bible says.
John 14: 25,26 says that the Holy Spirit is our Helper and some translations say encourager. It goes on to say that the Holy Spirit will teach us all things and bring to mind the things we need to know.
II Corinthians 1:3,4 says that the purpose of the encouragement and comfort we receive is so that we can do the same thing for others.
I think we have just found the key to harmony. I know that in my relationship with the Lord I know when the Holy Spirit is speaking to me. When I was a young married, I can remember if Preston and I didn't exactly see things eye to eye, sometimes when we discussed it ,I would know it my heart that I would have said enough, but I would continue talking. Every time I did that, matters just would not improve. Or, it could have been that I knew I was supposed to say something and did not, and the situation would not improve. I knew the Holy Spirit was guiding me and I just would not listen. The Holy Spirit is going to dwell within you if you have asked Jesus into your life but it is you decision whether you listen or not.
The Holy Spirit is also a comforter or consolor or counselor.
2. Consolation of love
God loved us so much that He had His Son die for us, forgive us of our sins and then He turned around and left the Holy Spirit which will reside in us. For any of us that dread and avoid being alone, the presence of the Holy Spirit was God's great gift of love for us.
My husband has written a book recently, Windows Into The Heart of God, and he writes, "Jesus' awayness does not equal our aloneness". He goes on to talk about the fact that his father, Bruce and our son, Nathan, are in heaven, and as much as we would love to, we can not talk to them until we see them in heaven (a day I am looking forward to). God's relationship with us is the only relationship we will ever have that the communication goes on forever because of the Holy Spirit.
When we experience the unconditional love of God for us we are consoled by it's presence and power and can then love others more freely.
For reference read I Corinthians 13:4 and Ephesians 5:12.
Ask yourself a question, is your life a fragrant aroma? Does God's spirit within you bring a desire for others to benefit from our presence?
3-Fellowship of the Spirit
Fellowship means "share." It is the way we share or commune with God. Read John 14:12. It says the Holy Spirit is our teacher. We learn more about God as we fellowship with Him in our daily walk. It makes a difference in how we go about our day. Fellowship with God through prayer and Bible study is as important as fellowship with other people.
4- Affection and compassion
For reference read John 15: 6-12
The word affection from the greek means "bowels." It is the center of your body and the place of tender feelings. God's mercies are outward expression of His deep tender feelings for each one of us. Praise Him!
Moving on to verse 2:2-4 Paul says, "make my joy complete by being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose. Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind let each of you regard one another as more important than himself. Do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others."
This is in great contrast to Paul saying that for him "to live is Christ."
The word for "selfishness" or "selfish ambition" means from the greek, "self seeking, personal ambition or party spirit. "
We all want life to be easy but let us face it, it is not. But God in His mercy, affection and compassion has given us an example to follow so that we will have an example or pattern to go by.
It is Jesus.
Paul exhorts the Philippians to be humble as Jesus was.
Please, take the time to read verses 5-11 of chapter 2 and write down the words that you notice about Christ's humility. I think it is an exact guideline to go by when we wonder, what is it that God wants me to be or do?
Until next week, celebrate taking part personally in His resurrection and being united with Him in suffering!
Paul is saying you have wonderful benefit in your relationship with Christ because when you ask Him into your life, your life becomes new and you are forgiven of all the old, and His spirit abides in you but you will also share in His sufferings. Remember last week when we talked about there always being two tracks in this life, a track of good and a track of bad and we all have them all the time. That is kind of what Paul is saying. Christ suffered before He was resurrected and you will too. There is alot of teaching in the christian world today that speaks of prosperity and blessing and that nothing bad will happen in your life if you will just refuse to receive it. Well, from personal experience and from what Paul is saying, this is just not so. When my son Nathan died I could not just say, "I don't receive that." I had to receive it and everything that comes along with the deep sea of grief. Here is the kicker: there is purpose to my and your suffering.
Romans 5: 3-5 says, "And not only this, but we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance. and perseverance proven character, and proven character, hope. and hope does not disappoint because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us." So I don't spend any time on trying to figure out if my suffering came from God or Satan. I rest in the fact that God knows about it and He is going to stand beside me as I go through it and it will accomplish something that nothing else could in my life. Once I realize this fact, I then have a responsibility to use the things He has taught me to help others going through their own suffering.
Paul realizes that the Philippian church sees his suffering. In a day when Christians were persecuted, they may be suffering themselves. Instead of their suffering strengthening them, there was disunity. He is encouraging them to be united.
Philippians 2:1,2 "Therefore, if there is any encouragement in Christ, if there is any consolation of love, if there is any fellowship of the Spirit, if any affection and compassion, make my joy complete by being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose,"
We need to focus on what comes after the four 'ifs': encouragement, consolation, fellowship, affection and compassion.
1. Encouragement in Christ
The root of the word "encouragement" is "courage." Paul has already said, "be bold" and "have no fear." The way we are going to do that is to have courage in Christ. Courage enables us to do what God wants us to do. Fear many times brings disunity because we don't feel secure. One of the things that gives us courage is that as believers in Jesus we have the Holy Spirit living inside of us, lets look at what the Bible says.
John 14: 25,26 says that the Holy Spirit is our Helper and some translations say encourager. It goes on to say that the Holy Spirit will teach us all things and bring to mind the things we need to know.
II Corinthians 1:3,4 says that the purpose of the encouragement and comfort we receive is so that we can do the same thing for others.
I think we have just found the key to harmony. I know that in my relationship with the Lord I know when the Holy Spirit is speaking to me. When I was a young married, I can remember if Preston and I didn't exactly see things eye to eye, sometimes when we discussed it ,I would know it my heart that I would have said enough, but I would continue talking. Every time I did that, matters just would not improve. Or, it could have been that I knew I was supposed to say something and did not, and the situation would not improve. I knew the Holy Spirit was guiding me and I just would not listen. The Holy Spirit is going to dwell within you if you have asked Jesus into your life but it is you decision whether you listen or not.
The Holy Spirit is also a comforter or consolor or counselor.
2. Consolation of love
God loved us so much that He had His Son die for us, forgive us of our sins and then He turned around and left the Holy Spirit which will reside in us. For any of us that dread and avoid being alone, the presence of the Holy Spirit was God's great gift of love for us.
My husband has written a book recently, Windows Into The Heart of God, and he writes, "Jesus' awayness does not equal our aloneness". He goes on to talk about the fact that his father, Bruce and our son, Nathan, are in heaven, and as much as we would love to, we can not talk to them until we see them in heaven (a day I am looking forward to). God's relationship with us is the only relationship we will ever have that the communication goes on forever because of the Holy Spirit.
When we experience the unconditional love of God for us we are consoled by it's presence and power and can then love others more freely.
For reference read I Corinthians 13:4 and Ephesians 5:12.
Ask yourself a question, is your life a fragrant aroma? Does God's spirit within you bring a desire for others to benefit from our presence?
3-Fellowship of the Spirit
Fellowship means "share." It is the way we share or commune with God. Read John 14:12. It says the Holy Spirit is our teacher. We learn more about God as we fellowship with Him in our daily walk. It makes a difference in how we go about our day. Fellowship with God through prayer and Bible study is as important as fellowship with other people.
4- Affection and compassion
For reference read John 15: 6-12
The word affection from the greek means "bowels." It is the center of your body and the place of tender feelings. God's mercies are outward expression of His deep tender feelings for each one of us. Praise Him!
Moving on to verse 2:2-4 Paul says, "make my joy complete by being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose. Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind let each of you regard one another as more important than himself. Do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others."
This is in great contrast to Paul saying that for him "to live is Christ."
The word for "selfishness" or "selfish ambition" means from the greek, "self seeking, personal ambition or party spirit. "
We all want life to be easy but let us face it, it is not. But God in His mercy, affection and compassion has given us an example to follow so that we will have an example or pattern to go by.
It is Jesus.
Paul exhorts the Philippians to be humble as Jesus was.
Please, take the time to read verses 5-11 of chapter 2 and write down the words that you notice about Christ's humility. I think it is an exact guideline to go by when we wonder, what is it that God wants me to be or do?
Until next week, celebrate taking part personally in His resurrection and being united with Him in suffering!